Junior handling
Young handlers compete in Junior Handling on both days at Dog Fair Finland.

Saturday 7th December
Qualifying competition for the Finnish Championship final in Junior Handling
The last qualifying competition for the Finnish Championship final of 2024 is held on Saturday. In junior handling competitions, the focus is on the skills of the handler: his or her capability to show the dog in a way that is suitable for the breed, and ability to highlight the dog’s best qualities.
The competition is open for all youth aged 10 to 17 years. The entry fee is 10 euros. The competion is held in to age groups and the best Junior Handler of the day is chosen between the winners of both age groups. By winning this competition, the contestant is qualified for the Finnish Championship Final.
The contestants of the Finnish Championship final must be Finnish citizens and members of The Finnish Kennel Club. If the winner of the qualifying competition on Saturday does not meet the criteria for the final, the finalist going through to Sunday’s final will be chosen among the other competitors.
The competition is judged by Heini-Maari Kemppainen, Finland.
Best of the Best junior handling competition
On Saturday, Helsingin Seudun Kennelpiiri organizes an invitational competition in Junior Handling for all District Champions of 2024.
The competition is carried out according to the organizer’s separate Best of the Best rules.
The judge is announced later.
Sunday 8th December
The Finnish Championship final in Junior Handling is held on Sunday 8th December. All winners of qualifying competitions held in 2024 participate in the final, which is an invitational competition. Invitations are sent in November to all winners of qualifying competitions.
The contestants of the Finnish Championship final must be Finnish citizens and members of The Finnish Kennel Club. There are no age groups in this competition, the finalists compete in one age group.
The Finnish Championship Final is held at the Arena in Hall 1 of Messukeskus.
The competition is judged by Javier Gonzalez Mendikote, Spain.