Welcome to Finland’s biggest dog event!|Learn about different dog breeds at the Breed Plaza|More than 300 different breeds at the dog shows|Shop til’ you drop!|Lively performances and presentations of different dog sports

Koiramessut – Dog Fair Finland is held on 6th and 7th December 2025 in Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki.
Welcome to the website for Dog Fair Finland! On this website, you can find information about Dog Fair Finland, programme at the fair, dog show entries, trade stands, and practical things and rules. Visit the fair to admire your favourite breeds by the ringside, participate in dog shows with your dog, learn new things about dogs and make great finds for yourself and your dog at the trade stands.
Join us at Finland’s biggest dog event!
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Tickets to Dog Fair Finland

Frequently asked questions and answers

Rules and regulations for dog show exhibitors