Merete Dalgaard


I have had Dobermann together with my husband since 1980, and was qualified as special Dobermann judge in 1992. We made our first litter back in 1983 under our Kennel name Dictator. I have trained several of our dogs in IPO and ZTP, and to the all our ZTP test in Denmark I have been responsible for the settlement. We made our last litter many years ago, while our passion as judge takes, a great deal of time. Later on, also my husband had become judge, and we like to travel together to our big passion. I have been judging at many appointments all over the world: Germany –in Belgium I judge the world Dog Show in 1995 -Hungary-Spain-Ireland – England- Serbia – Estonia – Lithuania-Portugal –Italy- Norway- Finland South Africa – Russia- France, and several times in Indonesia. I have judged Europa Sieger in Denmark, and in 2005-2008-and 2012 I judged at the IDC. I am now authorized for the whole group 3- Terriers, Dobermann and some other breeds in group 2. Looking very much forward to judge your Show in Helsinki.