Leni Finne
I got interested in dogs already as a little girl and got my first own dog, a Boston Terrier, at the age of 14. My excitement grew and a few years later, I found myself on a course for ring stewards. The next step was the judges’ course. I became a judge in 1985, Rhodesian Ridgeback and Great Dane as my first breeds. My hard work was completed 12 years ago when I became an allrounder judge. I have not shown my own dogs that much, I’m more of a working dog and obedience person. I bred Boston Terriers in a small scale for more than 50 years. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Boston Terrier at home right now. I live in the archipelago where my favourite activities include fishing and mushroom foraging. I also like to do crafts and tend to my garden.